2022 truly is the year of Corduliidae for this website. After Epitheca bimaculata (Eurasian Baskettail) being added new and Somatochlora metallica (Brilliant Emerald) getting a nice update back in May, now Somatochlora borisi (Bulgarian Emerald) and S. meridionalis (Balkan Emerald) are added as new species to the growing collection. Both were photographed during a trip to beautiful northern Greece in July (both species only in flight and S. borisi only from quite a distance away… I’ll have to go back for more photo shoots some time). The same trip provided opportunities to make more and better photos of many species like Cordulegaster picta (Turkish Goldenring), Onychogomphus forcipatus (Small Pincertail), Lindenia tetraphylla (Bladetail), Orthetrum coerulescens anceps (Keeled Skimmer), Chalcolestes parvidens (Eastern Willow Spreadwing), Lestes macrostigma (Dark Spreadwing) and Epallage fatime (Odalisque).